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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - hop


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Перевод с английского языка hop на русский


• короткий полет

• кратковременный рейс

• перелет на небольшое расстояние

• прыгать

• скачок

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См. в других словарях

  the stick  а) скрываться от кредиторов  б) умереть HOP the perch умереть HOP off  а) aeron. отрываться от земли; взлетать  б) уходить; Hop off, you boys, you have no right to he in my garden!  в) выходить из машины At the end of the ride, all the children hopped off and ran into the house for their dinner. HOP the twig  а) скрываться от кредиторов  б) умереть HOP up  а) взбираться Theres room for all of you on top of the cart - hop up!  б) быть в наркотическом возбуждении Some of the greatest drummers could only give their best performances when they were hopped up.  в) переделывать, улучшать Some drivers cheat in the race by hopping up their engines. HOP I  1. noun  1) прыжок, припрыгивание; скачок  2) coll. танцы, танцевальный вечер  3) aeron.; coll. перелет; полет to catch smb. on the hop - застать кого-л. врасплох hop, step/skip and jump sport - тройной прыжок Syn: see skip  2. v.  1) прыгать, скакать на одной ноге  2) подпрыгивать  3) перепрыгивать (часто hop over)  4) вскакивать (на ходу) to hop a taxi - вскочить на ходу в такси  5) хромать  6) joc. плясать, танцевать - hop along - hop off - hopon - hop up to hop it coll. - удирать, убегать - hop the stick - hop the twig II  1. noun bot. хмель  2. v.  1) собирать хмель  2) класть хмель в пиво HOP along прыгать на одной ноге ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. прыжок, скачок, подскок 2. припрыгивание, подпрыгивание; подскакивание 3. разг. танцы, небольшой танцевальный вечер, вечеринка; танцульки 4. танец 5. разг. перелет; непродолжительный полет; этап перелета to fly from A to B in three hops —- долететь от А до В с двумя посадками 6. короткое путешествие, прогулка Id: hop and jump —- разг. небольшое расстояние; рукой подать Id: the house was just a hop and jump from the road —- дом стоял в двух шагах от дороги Id: hop, skip and jump —- спорт. тройной прыжок (также hop, step and jump); разг. небольшое расстояние; рукой подать Id: on the hop —- не давать покоя кому-л.; заставить побегать кого-л.; в суматохе; в невыгодном положении; врасплох Id: they were caught on the hop —- их застали (застигли) врасплох 7. прыгать, скакать на одной ноге (также hop along) 8. подпрыгивать, прыгать 9. перепрыгивать to hop (over) the hedge —- перепрыгнуть через изгородь 10. вскакивать (в поезд и т. п.) to hop a taxi —- вскочить в такси he hopped on a red bus —- он вскочил в проходящий мимо красный автобус that morning he hopped a ride to work —- в то утро его подбросили до работы 11. хромать, прихрамывать, ковылять away he hops with his crutch —- он ковыляет прочь, опираясь на костыль 12. танцевать, отплясывать, плясать 13. разг. перелететь (на самолете) to hop the Atlantic...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) хмель обыкновенный (Humulus lupulus) 2) прыжок; прыгать – Japanese hop – medic hop – wild hop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) прыжок 2) хмелевой 3) хмелеграб 4) хмелеуборочный hop of radio-relay link — участок радиорелейной линии - hop apparatus - hop picker ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) интервал связи 2) шаг радиорелейной линии 3) скачок – double hops – frequency hop – microwave hop – multiple hops – single hop – slow frequency hop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сокр. от highlight overload protection защита от пересветки, "антикометная" защита HOP 1) прыжок прыгать; подпрыгивать; подскакивать 2) возд. кратковременный рейс совершать кратковременный рейс 3) авто форсировать двигатель 4) интервал связи; шаг радиорелейной линии, ретрансляционный (транзитный) участок 5) скачок, (однократное) отражение радиоволн (при ионосферном распространении) 6) ретрансляция; переприём (сообщения в сети) 7) транзистный отрезок (в автоматизированном проектировании электронных схем) 8) хмель вносить (задавать) хмель (в сусло) - wheel hop ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (hopped, hopping) 1 intr. (of a bird, frog, etc.) spring with two or all feet at once. 2 intr. (of a person) jump on one foot. 3 tr. cross (a ditch etc.) by hopping. 4 intr. colloq. a make a quick trip. b make a quick change of position or location. 5 tr. colloq. a jump into (a vehicle). b obtain (a ride) in this way. 6 tr. (usu. as hopping n.) (esp. of aircraft) pass quickly from one (place of a specified type) to another (cloud-hopping; hedge-hopping). --n. 1 a hopping movement. 2 colloq. an informal dance. 3 a short flight in an aircraft; the distance travelled by air without landing; a stage of a flight or journey. Phrases and idioms hop in (or out) colloq. get into (or out of) a car etc. hop it Brit. sl. go away. hopping mad colloq. very angry. hop, skip (or step), and jump = triple jump. hop the twig (or stick) sl. 1 depart suddenly. 2 die. on the hop colloq. 1 unprepared (caught on the hop). 2 bustling about. Etymology: OE hoppian 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a climbing plant, Humulus lupulus, cultivated for the cones borne by the female. 2 (in pl.) a the ripe cones of this, used to give a bitter flavour to beer. b Austral. & NZ colloq. beer. 3 US sl. opium or any other narcotic. --v. (hopped, hopping) 1 tr. flavour with hops. 2 intr. produce or pick hops. 3 tr. US sl. (foll. by up) stimulate with a drug. (esp. as hopped up). Phrases and idioms hop-bind (or -bine) the climbing stem of the hop. hop-sack (or -sacking) 1 a a coarse material made from hemp etc. b sacking for hops made from this. 2 a coarse clothing fabric of a loose plain weave. Etymology: ME hoppe f. MLG, MDu. hoppe ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old English ~pian  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to move by a quick springy leap or in a series of leaps; also to move as if by ~ping ~ in the car  2. to make a quick trip especially by air  3. to set about doing something — usually used in the phrase ~ to it  transitive verb  1. to jump over ~ a fence  2. to ride on ~ped a flight; also to ride surreptitiously and without authorization ~ a freight train  II. noun  Date: 1508  1.  a. a short brisk leap especially on one leg  b. bounce, rebound shortstop scooped it up on the first ~  2. dance 3  3.  a. a flight in an aircraft  b. a short trip  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe, from Middle Dutch; akin to Old High German ~fo ~  Date: 15th century  1. plural the ripe dried pistillate catkins of a perennial north-temperate zone twining vine (Humulus lupulus) of the hemp family used especially to impart a bitter flavor to malt liquors  2. the vine from which ~s is obtained having 3- to 5-lobed leaves and inconspicuous flowers of which the pistillate ones are in glandular cone-shaped catkins  IV. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1572 to flavor with ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hops, hopping, hopped) 1. If you hop, you move along by jumping on one foot. I hopped down three steps... Malcolm hopped rather than walked. VERB: V prep/adv, V • Hop is also a noun. ‘This really is a catchy rhythm, huh?’ he added, with a few little hops. N-COUNT 2. When birds and some small animals hop, they move along by jumping on both feet. A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them. VERB: V prep/adv • Hop is also a noun. The rabbit got up, took four hops and turned round. N-COUNT 3. If you hop somewhere, you move there quickly or suddenly. (INFORMAL) My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board... = jump VERB: V prep/adv 4. A hop is a short, quick journey, usually by plane. (INFORMAL) It is a three-hour drive from Geneva but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter. N-COUNT 5. Hops are flowers that are dried and used for making beer. N-COUNT: usu pl 6. If you are caught on the hop, you are surprised by someone doing something when you were not expecting them to and so you are not prepared for it. (BRIT INFORMAL) His plans almost caught security chiefs and hotel staff on the hop. PHRASE: usu PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v hopped, hopping 1 »JUMP« to move by jumping on one foot  (a child hopping up and down the stairs) 2 if a bird, an insect, or a small animal hops, it moves by making quick short jumps 3 informal to get into, onto, or out of something, especially a vehicle + in/out/on etc  (Hop in - I'll drive you to the bus stop.) 4 hop a plane/bus/train etc AmE informal to get on a plane, bus, train etc, especially after suddenly deciding to do so  (So we hopped a bus to Phoenix that night.) 5 hop it! BrE spoken used to tell someone to go away 6 hopping mad informal very angry  (Mrs C's going to be hopping mad when she hears!) ~2 n 1 keep sb on the hop informal to make someone very busy  (The children keep me on the hop all day.) 2 catch sb on the hop to do something when someone is not expecting it and is not ready 3 »JUMP« a short jump 4 »PLANT« usually plural part of a flower that is used for making beer, or the tall plant on which it grows 5 »FLIGHT« a single short journey by plane  (crossing Australia in a series of hops) 6 »DANCE« a social event at which people dance ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Halo Orbit Phase electron. abbr. High Operation Power network. abbr. Hearts On Pilgrimage non-prof. org. abbr. Help Our Planet educ. abbr. Hooked On Phonics firm name abbr. House Of Pain firm name abbr. House Of Pleasure firm name abbr. House Of Pita LLC ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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